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This time I want to talk about my little dog. My little dog is called Toto, like dog "The wizard of oz", because he looks like it. I don't know how old the dog is, because we found when he was kind of old and differents veterinarians said different ages, but I think he's about 6 years old. He arrived at my house in 2014 when a friend of a friend of my mom found him on the street. It was exciting when he came to my house, because it had been a lot of years since we had a pet. We loved him since the firts second. He is very affectionate, playful and funny dog, he always wants us to pet him. This last time it has been very difficult for me to be with him, because I had to do a lot of works and test, and stayed at the university of at some friend's house until very late studying or doing homework. When I get home I am vey tired and the only thing I want todo is rest, but he always comes to my bedroom to play with me for a while, so I'm with him during t

Michel Foucault

The person I admire is Michel Foucault, although he is not sociologist, he has influenced this area of work a lot with his theories and studies. Michel Foucault is a philosopher and social theorist born in Poitiers, France on october 15, 1926, and died on june 25 in Paris in 1984. He is known for his critical studies of theories about power in social institutions, such as psychiatric hospitals, jails and school, and the forms of control they produce. Thus, it develops the concept of biopower and biopolitics, focusing on the theory of human sexuality. One of his great works is "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, where he analyzes and questions the prinson, introducing the concept of society discipline. In this way, it has influenced many areas of the social sciencies, having a great impact especially in political sociology. I like this author, because I am interested in the issues of control of society and the power acquired by some institutions and how the r

The girls

In this photo I'm with the girls I'am in charge at scout with the other guides. At that time we were finishing our fall camp at a weekend in May in a country house of a scout member located near Melipilla. I don't remenber who took the picture, but I guess it was another guide. I really like this photo, because I feel it shows how we are. The girls are always very messy but at the same time funny and full of love to give. In the camp we had a good time, because we went with the boys and we made many games to have fun in addition to the free time we had all the children didn't stop running everywhere, it was impressive. This camp gave me a lot of desire to return to have hat energy that girls always have, it is very nice to work with them and to make you remember the moments when you only have to worry about playing. Now we will go winter camp next week, I hope we spend as well or better.

La Minga

I am a third year student of sociology. My career is a social sciencie that studying the problems of society, combining theory with practice. I like socilogy, but sometimes it's a lot of theory and little practice, I don't like that. This year I have a course about qualitative techniques where I have to do investigation work. I am doing my social investigation in a territoral organization of San Miguel. The organization is called La Minga. La Minga is create by a group of friends and residents of the territory to help the neighbor who needed it. This organization has two areas of work, the firts is a cultural centre where is make different workshop for all persons. The second is the home committee, here the problems related to the territory and the house are treated. I am very happy working with La Minga, it's members are very sympathetic, friendly and committed.

The stove is the best invention

I believe that technology has brought good and bad things, it has facilitated communication and the way of looking for information about some topic, but also we have drifted apart from our environment and we don't know about what is happening right now around us. For this reason my favorite technological piece is the stove. I use it every day since the cold starts, this year I started using it finished May, because the fall took a little while to arrive. It is my favorite and I like it a lot because I suffer a lot because of the cold, keeping my house warm all day, especially in the cold winter nights, which allows to maintain a friendly house and enjoy the family atmosphere more. I believe that without a stove my house would not be so cozy and I think that every person in my family (me too) would be in his bed, as I said, away from our environment, without sharing with the others.

My trajectory

When I was a child I wanted to be a veterinarian, because I liked animals a lot. When I was 13 years old biology was my favorite subject and I dreamed of studing with the area of health care. At 17 years old I was bad in bilogy, the subject was very difficult for me, from that moment, I started to like history class. One day, in class the history my friends mention the sociology career and how I didn't know it started to investigate about it.When I saw the curriculum map of socology I liked it, because had history, psicology, antropology, so I decided to study the career. Actually, I like the sociology, but don't like theory a lot, I think the carrer needs practical subjects. In the future, I would like to work with kids, because since I got in the carrer I liked this matter.

My autobiography

My name is Daniela, I was born on May, 1997. I live in Santiago of Chile with my sister, two brothers, my mom, my grandmother and my uncle. My father also lives in Santiago, but I olnly see him on weekends. I went to school San Francisco del Alba from prekinder to senior year. I am currently studying sociology at University of Chile. In my career I have a 6 friend group and I love them. Since 2007 I am a scout. My scout's group name is Ten ten vilĂș and every saturdays from 10 hours to the 13 hours I am going to scout. I am guiadora of the girls from 7 to 11 years old and through games we teach them values. I like working with girls, because they are so fun, but they are very messy.