My trajectory

When I was a child I wanted to be a veterinarian, because I liked animals a lot. When I was 13 years old biology was my favorite subject and I dreamed of studing with the area of health care. At 17 years old I was bad in bilogy, the subject was very difficult for me, from that moment, I started to like history class.

One day, in class the history my friends mention the sociology career and how I didn't know it started to investigate about it.When I saw the curriculum map of socology I liked it, because had history, psicology, antropology, so I decided to study the career.

Actually, I like the sociology, but don't like theory a lot, I think the carrer needs practical subjects.

In the future, I would like to work with kids, because since I got in the carrer I liked this matter.


  1. Hope you can work with kids then:) They are nice , well, not all of them... but in general they are

  2. Your trajectory is very interesting! How you think that you can work with kids in the future? I never hear about this in sociology :O


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