La Minga

I am a third year student of sociology. My career is a social sciencie that studying the problems of society, combining theory with practice. I like socilogy, but sometimes it's a lot of theory and little practice, I don't like that.

This year I have a course about qualitative techniques where I have to do investigation work. I am doing my social investigation in a territoral organization of San Miguel. The organization is called La Minga.

La Minga is create by a group of friends and residents of the territory to help the neighbor who needed it.

This organization has two areas of work, the firts is a cultural centre where is make different workshop for all persons. The second is the home committee, here the problems related to the territory and the house are treated.

I am very happy working with La Minga, it's members are very sympathetic, friendly and committed.


  1. The territorial organization is a better form for approximated to people and comunity in the society, contrary to a position theoretical without empirical elements.

  2. Is really awesome see people doing this kind of work for others, and not just that but you are directly implicated with all these persons, a very important thing that alot of social scientist usually forget, not only students but the same university with its programs. Pretty nice :)


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