Michel Foucault

The person I admire is Michel Foucault, although he is not sociologist, he has influenced this area of work a lot with his theories and studies.

Michel Foucault is a philosopher and social theorist born in Poitiers, France on october 15, 1926, and died on june 25 in Paris in 1984.
He is known for his critical studies of theories about power in social institutions, such as psychiatric hospitals, jails and school, and the forms of control they produce. Thus, it develops the concept of biopower and biopolitics, focusing on the theory of human sexuality.

One of his great works is "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, where he analyzes and questions the prinson, introducing the concept of society discipline.

In this way, it has influenced many areas of the social sciencies, having a great impact especially in political sociology.

I like this author, because I am interested in the issues of control of society and the power acquired by some institutions and how the reproduce human life.


  1. Is really interesting the control of society

  2. wooow, the person who you chose is amazing. He made so much things :o


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